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Booking Inquiry
Hotel Zimba

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Blick in den Fitnessbereich im Hotel Zimba

AlpineFitness – to make you feel better

Naturally in Motion

In the 100 m² Zimba fitness area, being active and relaxing go hand in hand. Here you can choose between different types of cardio and strength equipment. You determine the rhythm of movement- just how it feels good for you. Our fitness coach Jonny is the perfect support for questions, tips, and personal training.

Fitnessraum im Hotel Zimba
Zimba World of Fitness

Running, rowing, biking – and skiing!

With two treadmills, two rowing machines, a sit bike with a TV display, and a spin bike, there is equipment for every taste and every part of the body in our AlpineFitness. A highlight is the SkiErg by Concept 2: with it, you can work on your skiing performance all year round and be in top shape for the winter.

Blick auf den Fitnessbereich im Hotel Zimba
Functional Fitness

Weights as desired

We deliberately didn’t want a classic hotel fitness room for our Hotel Zimba – it should be more. That’s why the focus at AlpineFitness is on functional training. The free weights and the large fitness rig can be used for minor or major challenges for the targeted movements.

Jonny, unser Fitnesstrainer in der AlpineFitness
Personal training and more

Alpine Panda Athletics

Jonny is a coach with Crossfit Level 2 training and your go-to contact for any questions, tips and tricks in our AlpineFitness.


You can book personal training sessions directly with Jonny.


Contact training and personal training, also for locals:


Jonathan (Jonny) Lam

+43 680 1600999          thealpinepanda@gmail.com


AlpineFitness – move mountains

Fitness times

Movement starts with the first step

You should be able to be active when you feel like it. That’s why we are happy to open our fitness area for you every day:


– daily from 6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (no access during group lessons)


Personal training:

1 person – Euro 70,00

2-5 persons – Euro 100,00

60 minutes tailored to you.


Available daily except Wednesday and Sunday.
Make an appointment directly with Jonny at +43 680 1600999.


As a beneficial addition to the sports program, we recommend a sports massage with herbal oil in our ZimbaQuelle. Spoil yourself even more!